Mantecosidad aérea de las leches, la crema de las cremas, es decir, una textura envolvente y almibarada con el grano de arroz henchido e inundado de la mezcla pero con su forma intacta!!!! Un arroz con leche con vestido de risotto y fresas picantes en su jugo!!!! I love this game !!!! El portento editorial, la mujer que todo lo ve, la presidenta del cotarro @cristipedroche 🧁❌⭕️🧁❌⭕️🧁❌⭕️🧁❌⭕️🧁❌⭕️🧁 . Rice pudding-Risotto with coconut milk with flavors from India and spicy strawberries! Buttery and aereated from both milks, the cream of the creams, an enveloping and syrupy texture with the grain of rice filled and flooded with the mixture but with its intact shape, rich, intense and crazy !!!! A rice pudding with a risotto dress and spicy strawberries in their juice !!!! I love this game !!!!